
Endowment of Islamic Relief Worldwide – Islamic Relief Turkey. We strive to make the world a better and fairer place for the three billion people who still live in poverty.

Islamic Relief Worldwide – Islamic Relief Endowment invites Turkey to bid for:

Tender for the supply of medicines and medical supplies – inside Syria, No. 1-April-3772

The tender document, including instructions, can be obtained from:

1- Islamic Relief Endowment Worldwide – Bab Al-Hawa Office: Sarmada Highway – Bab Al-Hawa Al-Mawadda Residential Project, second floor


2- Endowment of Islamic Relief Worldwide – Turkey Office: Istanbul / Fatih District

3- Download from the institution’s website link:

The tender ends on Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 5:00 pm Turkey time

In the case of submitting the tender by hand, please direct the closed and sealed file to the following addresses and place it by hand in the tender box in one of the following places:

Turkey office: Istanbul / Fatih district
Bab Al-Hawa Office:: Sarmada Highway – Bab Al-Hawa Al-Mawadda Residential Project, second floor
It can also be sent by e-mail to the following address:

[email protected]